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Writer's pictureFrank Demilt


Around 2013 Buzzfeed articles suddenly showed up everywhere on people’s timelines and it was infectious. Everyone wanted to read the fun articles with cute gifs to describe uncomfortable situations or taking a funny spin on the daily struggles people face. Around this time, they were at the top of their game- pushing their liberal agenda on everyone. It seemed like everyone assumed that the majority of the younger generation identified as liberal due to the reach of this website.

The main problem that comes up, is that this country is not primarily liberal. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump became president and he is one of the most conservative presidents to ever enter the white house. If all our social media was flooded with liberal ideas, how did we elect someone who was so conservative?

This is when the conspiracy comes in- Buzzfeed might be political propaganda to manipulate the citizens of this country. Think about it- before the election, I assumed that almost everyone in their 20s was a liberal and that we were all taking steps to creating a new future. When Bernie Sanders ran for president I thought he was going to win because his ideas fit with the majority of the population. What happened was the complete opposite. So if one of the internet’s biggest source of information is mostly liberal- how did we elect someone who is so conservative? Not to mention that he has been one of the most corrupt presidents of all time. It is such a contradiction that it would be stupid to not look into it further. By creating the idea in people’s heads that the country is liberal it makes them blind to the things that are going on behind the scenes.

Buzzfeed has never been a company that people have talked necessarily highly of. Multiple workers who have quit Buzzfeed said that they weren’t happy with their experience there. They said the creators wanted more creative control and ownership of their work and they felt burnt out by their high standards for creating a high volume of hits. So this company doesn’t think that highly of their workers and the communication between the higher-ups and the employees are not that great. The workers have no idea what is happening at the top of the company.

Just check out what ex-employee Kenny Moffitt stated:

So Buzzfeed is tailoring these people to have a certain image and have certain ideas to get their liberal agenda to their employees, which leaves them with almost no time to work on their own projects. It certainly seems like something is going on, and the fact that they try to change their worker’s core values are a red flag.

During the time in this political climate, we have to start questioning things. The government is starting to become increasingly more controlling, and Trump is being pretty shady for a president. We have to realize that the government does, in fact, lie to us and we have to start taking a different perspective on these issues before it’s too late.

Disclaimer: everything in this article is a conspiracy theory and is not fact. 

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