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Writer's pictureFrank Demilt


With his sights set towards being in the medical field, Jonathan would spend the duration of his high school career laying low and under the radar in many ways. Staying quiet and to the books was the aim, with a focus never to be broken by those around him. From the books to the dream is how this story goes, Jon would spend three of his four years of high school at Bridgewater-Raritan High School in Bridgewater, New Jersey. After spending his first year at Bound Brook High School, it was noticed that the education was not sufficient enough at this point in his life, so the transfer was then made to Bridgewater. Walking through the doors to his new high school, with a fresh start and keyed in focus, this would set out to be a pronounced turning point in his life as well as his career. Alongside the academics that he would follow along this period of time, he himself would become increasingly recognized by his peers, so much so in fact that he would gross 11k followers on his Instagram by the end of his senior year. In progression towards his milestone, it would come to be that Jonathan would merge his knowledge of marketing and recognition of those around him to stake his claim in social media.

He would then apply and be accepted to Kean State University in Union and Hillside, NJ for a Double Major in Business Administration and Marketing with his sights now forming the vision, the dream, the life that in just 7 months would set to be. As the vision has been shaped, crafted to everything it is meant to be for himself and the portrayal towards others it would be that he ended up progressing into taking a gap year and pursue the goals. Jersey Jon set out to increase his social media outreach, establish himself as a DJ as well as an event coordinator, in complete as invested in the music industry as he can be. Aimed at learning from the best to be the best he can be, provide the highest quality in content. Building a solid movement behind him, he has progressed from an attention guided 11k, to a fully active branch of interaction on current posts. Pulling an average of 5,000 to 6,000 likes per post, three times the amount of people he was in highschool with at any given time beside a ratio on comments of anywhere from 200 to 1,000 depending on the contents. Interaction goes beyond the physical posts as Jersey Jon also runs multiple, various further interaction points with his followers anywhere from personal follower interaction, giveaways, DMs. Which takes his base status to a new level in that he is able to take this ratio and consistently turn over activity.

Going from being a high school graduation to an Insta-star for Jersey Jon has been on a journey that has encompassed vast amounts of personal growth in that he would go from wanting to be involved with the medical field to being a business man with the aim and vision to not only continue to change his life, but all those he has and will do business as time passes. Two events come to mind in specifics pertaining to the last four months, so just about half of his established career encompassing that of his work, and those would be the shows of Ugly God and NBA Youngboy. The crowd exposure as well as in show interaction would have his numbers sitting in between 2,400 to 2,600 which combined for both would around 5,200 people which is just shy of two times the amount of people that would fill his high school during his time there. Current goals for Jersey Jon include becoming more deeply connected with his core support and those around him that not only benefit him but the overall vision, growing his current media standing including that of being verified, increase the network available to be able to span across further distances.

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