Kanye West, the ultimate philosopher has always been open to sharing his views on the world. Throughout his career, he has been enlightened to see outside the box. His music displays this because he is not afraid to go into other genres and mashup styles- making him one of the greatest rappers of all time. Some say that his views about the world are too much and it has given him the reputation of being crazy.
As Kanye West raps in his song, “Feedback” on his Life Of Pablo release,
“Name one genius that ain’t crazy”
He might be referring to this interview on Ellen:
As an open-minded person and a creative one, it would make sense to write a book.
Kanye West just announced that he has been creating a work of philosophy called Break the Simulation.
He returned to Twitter on Monday to announce the news. He claimed that he has been writing his book for a long time now and he has been tweeting out some of his philosophy throughout the years.
He stated,
Here are the official statements he put out about his up and coming book:
oh by the way this is my book that I'm writing in real time. No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write. This is not a financial opportunity this is an innate need to be expressive. — ye (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018
I will work on this "book" when I feel it. When We sit still in the mornings We get hit with so many ideas and so many things We want to express. When I read this tweet to myself I didn't like how much I used the word I so I changed the I's to We's. — ye (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018
Here are some of the Tweets we might suspect will be in his book:
when you first wake up don't hop right on the phone or the internet or even speak to anyone for even up to an hour if possible. Just be still and enjoy your own imagination. It's better than any movie. — ye (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018
Be here now. Be in the moment. The now is the greatest moment of our lives and it just keeps getting better. The bad parts the boring parts the parts with high anxiety. Embrace every moment for its greatness. This is life. This is the greatest movie we will ever see. — ye (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018
There's love stories. Pain happiness. It's 3 dementional. There's taste touch sound. It's the most entertaining for of entertainment. Just being. We believe time is a man made construct. Actually time and money are both man made currency. Because you can spend them both. — ye (@kanyewest) April 18, 2018
You can check out more of his Tweets on his timeline.
I am extremely excited for Kanye’s book. I think he is a creative genius and someone who is in touch with himself. He has great insight and views on life. You can say what you want about Kanye West but he is certainly someone who has surpassed this mortal plane. Even if you think he is crazy, what he says is powerful and insightful. He might not be the next Aristotle but he is sure to make an impact with his vast audience.