Lil Pump is a trap artist that has been in the limelight recently with his break out track, “Gucci Gang.”
You can listen to it here:
This song has about 600 million views and Lil Pump is starting to become unsure if he wants everything that fame comes with. He is currently only 17 years old, with more money as the average adult who has been working for their entire lives. He started freestyling in high school, and it didn’t take much time to take off. Although it is amazing to experience this level of fame at this age, it certainly comes with a price.
Fame is described as ultimate happiness with cameras in your face everywhere you go documenting your lavish lifestyle composed of fans and fortune. But what they don’t tell you is the inner turmoil that these people go through. Friends start to become enemies to try to profit off of your fame. It starts to get hard to depict if people want you around just because of your name, and not the person who you are. People usually see the downsides before it is all too late.
Lil Pump just released a statement on his Instagram story that read:
Lil Pump is someone who constantly flaunts their jewelry on Instagram but he was not aware that it would attract the wrong people. A lot of people who are new to fame experience this as well. Cardi B has also stated that she didn’t sign up for the all fakeness in the industry but you can’t turn back time. Hopefully, Lil Pump gets more comfortable with his fame and starts to become a better judge of character. Don’t let anyone take credit for you 8 million dollar record deal Lil Pump!