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[MUSIC] One on One with ANT KAN$CIOUS

Extra… Extra.. We sit with Best of Essex finalist ANT KAN$CIOUS

Ant Kan$cious (aka Kan Tha Baptist) is a young MC straight out of Newark, NJ. He is a proud Brick City native as he always represents his background and where he’s from in all his lyrics. “I think it’s important to rep where I’m from so that people can know the type of environment I come from and see what I’m doing to overcome it. So many people where I live end up stuck and trapped in a cycle because of a closed opportunity structure. I want to be able to shed light and encourage the youth and young adults like me to break out of that cycle and overcome all obstacles through my music.” Kan$cious is a college graduate with a BA in Psychology and is currently pursuing an MA in Counseling. “Education has always been my number one priority and that has never changed, music however  has always been and always will be my main passion.”

Where did you first hear of Best of Essex?

I first heard of Best of Essex through Chris Patrick and Baby Phace. My brothers and I keep each other updated about our music as well as events through our group chat. It just so happened Chris, The Last Mohican at the time, was telling us that he signed up to perform at Best of Essex 3. This was the first Best of Essex I went to and where I was introduced to so many local artists including the host Samad Savage for the very first time. It was history since then and I’ve been coming back ever since.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Essex County, Newark NJ to be exact. I’m originally from the Westward part of Newark, which is literally smack dab in between all the Orange, East Orange, and Irvington. I now live in the Southward area of Newark.

What or who inspired you to first rap?

I was brought up in the mid-90s at the peak of Hip Hop music and heavily influenced by the culture since I was literally in a crib. I vividly remember as a toddler sitting in the back of my Pop’s whip just bumping whatever he was listening to at the time. We listened to a lot of Biggie, and a lot of Jay- Z, so til this day Hov is still my favorite MC of all time. My Pops also bumped a lot of Wu Tang Clan, Big Daddy Kane, LL Cool J, KRS-One, Ice Cube, and a couple Run DMC joints here and there; but I can’t forget the God MC himself Rakim. These are just a few of my roots. When I got a little older I started gravitating towards other MCs like 2Pac and Nas. When the 2000s came I was bumping rappers from 50 cent and Eminem(although I personally prefer Slim shady) to OutKast, Kanye West and Lil Wayne. Once I was well into my adolescent years my favorite artists were Hov, Lil Wayne, Kanye, and 50. I started writing rhymes in like 2006/2007 so I had to be around 11 or 12 at this time. All these artists that I’ve mentioned along with the culture that I grew up watching and admiring from a young age helped spark my inspiration to want to rap. I’ve always had a love for the arts but it was just something about putting words together that intrigued my mind. I would spend hours reading the dictionary just trying to learn new words and figure out different ways to use them while finding words that rhymed with each other. It may sound weird but it was fun for me. I kind of looked at it like building my own puzzle in a sense.

When did you know that this was your calling?

I knew this had to be my calling once writing started becoming naturally easy for me and I was able to flow to damn near any beat. I got a high from staying up late to write verses while rapping them over instrumentals. It was something I knew I was good at. Most of my other friends were good at sports and athletics and getting girls and stuff like that. I was mainly focused on my grades at school and my responsibilities at home, but nothing made me happier or made me feel more accomplished than writing and rapping. I swear there was no high like it.

As I matured and lived life and started writing more about my experiences I became confident that this was my calling because I realized that I have the power to uplift and encourage others through my words. After experiencing many stresses and several episodes of depression throughout the years I came to the conclusion that I could use my stories to reach out to others that may be going through what I’ve experienced. Over time I’ve learned that this is much bigger than writing hot verses and having fun, I mean that’s a part of it but there is also a bigger picture. In fact this is bigger than music. I just want to be able to help other kids and young adults going through life trying to figure it all out like I am. I want to inspire others the way Hip Hop inspired me, while also connecting with them the best way I know how, which is through my art.

Do you have a plan B? If yes, tell us what and why, If no, tell us why.

I learned that having a Plan B can be counterintuitive to your dreams and goals. If you have a Plan B then that means you doubt that your Plan A will work. I don’t have enough time in this life to focus on doubts so I always say my Plan A and my Plan B are one in the same. I wish to complete my education and get my MA in Counseling so that I could have the option to follow that route not as a backup plan but as another way to secure the bag while still pursuing a music career. In my eyes I don’t see why I can’t do both, it will be a lot of hard work yes but I’m hungry and determined to succeed by any means. Regardless, I want to make other people’s lives better and help them get through their days with less baggage. My goal is to let people know they aren’t alone and that someone out there cares about what they’re thinking and feeling. Simply put I just want to show all my people that I can empathize and sympathize with their pains and joys because I too have been in the same shoes.

How did you prepare for the performance if any at all?

I honestly kept playing the track over and over in the whip and recited the lyrics. Sometimes I’d practice in front of the mirror with my headphones and I’d close my eyes, envisioning the crowd, the stage and the mic in my hand.

What have you done so far in your career that you are most proud of?

I’m just proud that I’m still here. I’m proud that I’m even alive to be doing this at all. So many people give up and quit or worry about not being popular enough or having “clout”. I’m just glad I’m following my dreams but I’m focused on making the right moves and decisions to put me on track in the right direction. I’ve set out goals and plans for myself and I am determined to accomplish them. I started building a team and I’ve acquired a personal manager. Right now I am studying as much about the game as I can, reading, watching documentaries, learning the social media algorithms and patterns, and just going out to events networking and meeting as many people as I can. I’m also taking time to study the craft, different genres and artists and just trying to become a well-rounded artist myself.

How many times have you been to Best of Essex and what would you say the vibe is like?

I’ve been to Best of Essex a total of 6 times and performed 4 times. It’s always a great vibe. All the artists show love and support and it’s just great energy coming from everyone. Best of Essex is just a great environment where local artists can meet up network and showcase their talent. I definitely feel like it’s helped me improve and get use to performing in front of others and it definitely gave me a chance to meet other artists and make great connections.

Who would you say is Top 5 in your genre and what are your reasons why?

My top 5 includes Chris Patrick, Baby Phace, Myself and Samir, that 5th spot is up for grabs. I say this because I really believe and have faith in the talent  of my brothers including myself. Our development has has been beyond promising and we’re only getting better. There’s no telling what the future holds but we’re out here to achieve nothing less than greatness. But you don’t have to believe me now, after all we are “Just Your Average Black Kids”.

Do you have a job or go to school and how do you balance you’re career with that?

I’ve recently graduated from Bloomfield College and I plan on going to Graduate school in the spring of 2019 to pursuit my Masters. Right now I currently work at a day care center as an aftercare teacher and I love what I do. Working at the school is my day job, at night my focus goes back to the music. I listen to music as soon as I wake up, while I’m traveling, and I read throughout the day. I also write as much as I can. Studio time is usually always a night session during the week or on the weekends, but most of my work gets done at night.

What projects do you have coming out next?

I’ve really been working hard on this project “Key2 the Soulman’s Heart” which is my tape that I anticipate on dropping in November and I’ve also been planning to release my first EP in the beginning of next year so stay tuned for that.

Be sure to follow Ant Kan$cious on all platforms @soulbruvah  and check out his music on his soundcloud! 

Cover picture taken the one and only (My yah)

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