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Writer's pictureFrank Demilt


If you do not know already, the voter registration deadlines for many states are quickly approaching causing many celebrities to speak out about the importance of registering to vote. One of many of those celebrities happens to be Taylor Swift who posted Sunday afternoon about how she would be voting in this years election and a little insight as to who she would be supporting.

According to the New York Times the pop superstar encouraged many of her followers to go online and register before the deadlines of their states. The times states that, according to a company spokeswoman “the total number of people who have registered since Ms. Swift’s post, especially young people, has exceeded the number of new registrations in any similar period since launched in 2016”.  Swifts attempt to urge her 112 million subscribers to register to vote has gained attention to many people, one of which being the President of the United States, Donald Trump. President Trump stated that he liked Swifts music about 25% less now, this being the first time the President has used his twitter account negatively towards Swift.

Despite what anyone has to say about the singer sharing her political views on instagram, the chief operating officer for states that “the bottom line is that she did significantly impact registrations, and in interesting ways”.

I believe there was absolutely nothing wrong with Taylor using her platform to get her fans to go out and register to vote, and only hope to see more celebrities making a difference in that way! Comment down below what you think about celebrities sharing their political views on social media.

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