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Writer's pictureFrank Demilt


This week has been a little difficult to find new emerging artists. Not because there aren’t any new artists that came out, but because at the time of writing this, Wednesday morning, I am still trudging my way through the new music that came out last Friday. MOTHER OF GOD IT WAS A LOT. I am almost positive every artist ever dropped a record in some way, shape, or fashion last week. I blame Memorial Day.

Instead of dancing around and belaboring this point, let me get straight to the topic of this article, artists that you should watch out for.

First, let me say that it is completely plausible that you haven’t heard of Gloria yet, but let me assure you, you will soon.

From Texas, currently in Nashville, and a current student at Belmont University studying songwriting and music business, she is honing a craft that she is already pretty good at. At the moment she has only released one song on DSPs, “Yours,” but that was enough to catch not only my ear but the ear of most of my family as well.

I was playing her song one night and had multiple family members poke their heads in. Not only did they poke their head in, but they stayed through the whole song. Not only did they stay through the whole song but they asked who the artist was. Not only did they ask who the artist was, they asked if they could listen to her song on their own (knowing that I sometimes play songs from artists I am working with that they can’t have). Possibly the biggest compliment they gave was saying that Gloria sounds like a young Dolly Parton. I think that is pretty high praise for anyone, let alone an early twenty-something year old.

Gloria is an artist that you should be on the lookout for. I will say this as a caveat, she has a defiant county sound. Where I think this is great and she fits in this sound perfectly, I can see this sound not being for everyone. That being said, everyone needs to go listen to, “Yours,” on Spotify now. I already have multiple times.

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