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Writer's pictureFrank Demilt


The Colin Kaepernick story refuses to go away. News broke today that the former NFL QB was offered a workout with the Seattle Seahawks, but that invite was rescinded after Kaepernick refused to commit to stopping his National Anthem protests. Kaepernick and the NFL are currently going head to head in a lawsuit in which Kaepernick is accusing the league and its owners of colluding to keep him unemployed. Kaepernick has not received a contract offer since he last played for the 49ers. This isn’t a coincidence. The owners did not take kindly to Kaepernick and his actions. Kaepernick is responsible for starting a chain reaction of players all over the league taking a knee during the National Anthem before games. This hit the owners where it hurts the most, in their pockets. Many fans became upset with the league and vowed to boycott teams with protesting players, or the league in general. The owners are trying to send a message to players all over that this will not be tolerated. Kaepernick isn’t going quietly though, and I don’t blame him. No one in their right mind can make the argument that Kaepernick is not one of the top 64 quarterbacks in the world. Is he a superstar? No. But he is definitely a better quarterback then a lot of backups on current rosters and even a handful of starters. He deserves a job and he is being blackballed by the owners because he refuses to play their game. It is flat out wrong. No employer, regardless of your job, has the right to force you to mimic their political views. Kaepernick’s protest had nothing to do with the league, it was centered around social injustices, mainly those committed against people of color. I hope Kaepernick continues his fight against the league. This latest incident was likely a chess move in the current collusion case. I believe it was an effort by the NFL to show that they were giving him a fair shake, and I believe they walked right into Kaep’s trap. This is only more proof that the owners are working against him to keep him, and his politics, out of the league. “Sure, you can come back, but only if you cut that kneeling nonsense out.” They are trying to stop these protests by cutting off the head of the movement. I firmly believe Colin Kaepernick will never play in the league again, but other players cannot let his sacrifice be in vein. The protests should continue, and the league should be made to suffer for trying to silence them. 

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